VFW Department of Missouri 21 Gun Raffle
Drawing Dates: 06-14-14 thru 07-04-14
OK firearm enthusiasts, this is your kind of raffle, truly what you hope for time and again. What's the skinny? Well alright, here it is. You purchase a raffle ticket for just $21.00 (Twenty-One Dollars US Currency), that's it. You can buy as many tickets as you want, with a raffle wide limit of 3000, which means as far as I know you can buy 2995, because I have purchased 5 of them.
So then what happens? Alright, your name will be in the bowl to be drawn from every single day! That's right, it is a perpetual ticket. If you win on day one, guess what? Your ticket goes back in the bowl, so in theory you could win every single day of the drawing.
That is the other thing, the raffle is held daily (you do not need to be present to win). Each day beginning on June 14, 2014 one lucky winner will be drawn from the bowl and will be awarded one of the 21 lovely weapons included, with the final firearm being awarded on July 4, 2014, Independence Day. That sacred day when we honor our fore fathers and the brave men and women who not only fought for a new form of Government, but fought for a whole new world.
What's that? What firearms are included? Ah, right, sorry 'bout that, the list of firearms are as follows:



For More Information or Tickets Contact:
Brad Denny 314-630-4789 or braddenny@att.net
Chris Johnston 417-270-0069 or somoref@gmail.com
Checks Payable to: VFW Department of Missouri Gun Raffle
Send Checks and Ticket stubs to:
Earl Boyer 1560 Hillcrest Dr. DeSoto, MO 63020
636-337-8225 or eajoyb@yahoo.com
Note: If gun model is not available at Drawing Time a comparable gun will be chosen by committee. Images are of similar models, and may not be exact representations of the firearms that will be given away at time of drawing.